Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wicked Problem Project

My wicked project need was a way to incorporate technology into my music curriculum.  The solution I found was several different interactive websites that I could engage my students in while using the Mobi View.  

The Mobi View will help support my delivery of the music curriculum.  Specifically, the Mobi View will allow for students to interact with the music curriculum in a way that was not possible before. I feel that if my students are able to work with music concepts in a different manner, they will learn and retain more. The Mobi View allows for this by enabling me to share with students and have them answer questions in a real time setting. On a daily basis, I am introducing new music topics or concepts. The Mobi View makes a more student-friendly way to introduce, model, practice, and assess student growth.

The Mobi View makes the music content more intellectually accessible in many ways. First off, they are better able to view a new concept. I will be able to use videos to introduce topics better with this technology. That will help students connect with new content. The Mobi View will also allow me to challenge students to interact with the curriculum by completing small quizzes and perhaps creating their own masterpieces. Many of my students understand things better when they are presented digitally and have the opportunity to be a part of the learning. When we can present things in a medium that relates to their lives, students will be more likely to take ownership in the learning process.  

When using the Mobi View I will be able to assess students in new ways. This technology will allow them to process information and be much more creative in how they demonstrate mastery of the content. I can use different applications of the Mobi View to meet with students one on one and have them show they have learned the material, as opposed to having them simply take a quiz or have me judge the class as a whole. This will also allow students to create, which will demonstrate their learning more than anything else.

Click here to view my PowerPoint
Click here to view my Wicked Project Script 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Group Leadership Project

Here is our video on using iPad apps in a 3rd grade classroom.  We used iMovie to create our final presentation and we uploaded it to YouTube so it would be easily accessible.  I think this process has taught me a lot about collaboration online and team work.  I think this has been my best online group project of my Masters program.  We worked really well together, each tackling our parts to put together this 10 minute video.  Danielle did a great job putting all of our pieces together, asking for our feedback, and editing the video for us.  I would love to do another video like this.  I have shared it with several colleges who have now asked if I can find them age appropriate apps for their grades and or subjects.  

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Professional Learning Plan

Below is my professional learning plan that I created on  It is a wonderful site and has a free app version!  Here is a link to my PLP on Popplet:

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Part D - Findings and Implications

My initial educational need that I had was to find a way to incorporate technology into my 3-5th grade music curriculum.  I wanted to find a way to engage my students using technology and specifically using the Mobi View I received through a grant. 

I have implemented the use of my Mobi View into my music classes.  By using this technology, students were able to use two different interactive sites.  Students learned about a composer during one interactive lesson, and students also used the Mobi View to create their own rhythms.  In the planning stages of this project I had really grand plans for implementing technology into my curriculum.  I believe I have done a good job implementing technology with these first two websites, and I am looking forward to finding and using more interactive websites. 

After observing students and things that worked, as well as what needed to be planned a bit better, I now believe I could more effectively use the Mobi View by setting up different centers around the room. I can then have the students spend time at each station during the class period. This would make the Mobi View more valuable by giving students more direct attention as well as better allowing me to evaluate their work. This would also keep the other students engaged a little better than with my original implementation of the technology. 

I know that using the Mobi View was a success because I could see how excited and engaged the students were in the two lessons I have incorporated interactive sites and the Mobi View into.  Students could not wait for their turn to use the portable interactive board. 
I don’t know if I would approach another project differently.  I feel I went in with a plan of finding interactive lessons in which I could utilize my Mobi View and engage students.  I feel this was a successful process and one that I could easily do again.  What I have found through my research is some wonderful resources other music teachers in my district could use, and I plan on sharing my final product with them.  

Classroom 2.0 & Mobil Learning

Web 2.0 resources are a wonderful way to integrate technology into core content areas.  I looked at a lot of the resources during the data visualizations lab and I am eager to try out several resources.

I found Classroom 2.0 a wonderful resource for teaching with technology.  I really wish I had known about this site last year when I was teaching computers to 4-6h grade students.  There are so many wonderful resources and peers that are more than willing to help out with any questions I might have had!  I found the conversation on cell phones to be pretty interesting.  Most people are using cell phones in similar ways that I have seen in previous class and from my own experience.  I am still surprised at how some people find it unrealistic to use cell phones in the classroom.  I sometimes wonder if it is a generation gap, or a difference in opinion from digital natives and digital immigrants.

I have recently taken part in poll everywhere surveys when my district attended a professional development on Marzano.  It was wonderful to see how so many professionals were so eager to have their phones out and get their opinion or answers on the screen.  I think that experience was a clear indicator for the excitement students would have if given the same opportunity.  I created a poll everywhere survey for my husbands US history class.  He is planning on using it next week.  I look forward to hearing about his students responses and reactions to being allowed to use their cell phones in class.

In my current classroom I use my iPod on a daily basis.  My students love selecting songs from my iPod to listen to while they are working on their music notation workbooks.  I recently brought in my iPad and the students went crazy over it.  I am looking forward to finding some iterative music apps and letting my students try them out!  Teaching music can allow for the integration of mobile learning in many ways.  The biggest challenge I am finding right now is finding quality resources students can use that helps meets the GLCEs, along with our no cell phone policy.