Sunday, February 12, 2012

Part B- Application of TPack

The Mobi View will help support my teaching the music curriculum.  Specifically, the Mobi View will allow for students to interact with the music curriculum in a way that was not possible before. I feel that if my students are able to work with music concepts in a different manner, they will learn and retain more. The Mobi View allows for this by enabling me to share with students and have them answer questions in a real time setting. On a daily basis, I am introducing new music topics or concepts. The Mobi View makes a more student-friendly way to introduce, model, practice, and assess student growth.

The Mobi View makes the music content more intellectually accessible in many ways. First off, they are better able to view a new concept. I will be able to use videos to introduce topics better with this technology. That will help students connect with new content. The Mobi View will also allow me to challenge students to interact with the curriculum by completing small quizzes and perhaps creating their own masterpieces. Many of my students understand things better when they are presented digitally and have the opportunity to be a part of the learning. When we can present things in a medium that relates to their lives, students will be more likely to take ownership in the learning process.

When using the Mobi View I will be able to assess students in new ways. This technology will allow them to process information and be much more creative in how they demonstrate mastery of the content. I can use different applications of the Mobi View to meet with students one on one and have them show they have learned the material, as opposed to having them simply take a quiz or have me judge the class as a whole. This will also allow students to create, which will demonstrate their learning more than anything else.

I really look forward to how the Mobi View is going to increase student engagement, participation, understanding, and ownership. The many advantages of this technology will be evident once I begin to implement this in my classroom.


K. Mahoney said...

It seems like you have put a lot of thought into this. You mentioned that Mobi View allows you to assess students in new ways. What are theses assessments? Another question I had was about logistics. From my understanding, you will only have one Mobi View, or do you have multiple? Will students be doing group work or will they be assessed on their own? This will definitely affect how students address the lessons and how they are assessed.

I am really excited to see this all come together!

Edwlaws said...

The opportunity to incorporate technology which allows you to instruct students while being mobile is a wonderful asset to any teacher. When that technology present an opportunity for your students to interact it is even better. Presenting the students an opportunity to create their own question provides students with different learning abilities the opportunity to present learning from their perspective. During this type of observation a teacher can determine how to better serve each student. I am curious, do you have any other products that go with the Mobi View or more than one?

Danielle said...

I think that the Mobi View is going to really enhance your lessons! The one part of your posting that I really agreed with is the idea that students learn better when they are interested and connected to things that relate to them, such as technology. I find that time and time again, my students can often relate to things that I mention regarding technology. Occasionally they even have a better understanding than I do!

You mentioned that the Mobi View would allow you to have one on one assessments with your students. How do you plan on doing this? Is their a quiz like program with it or will you have your students demonstrate something?

This sounds like it will really benefit your students and enhance the curriculum!

Chuck Commeret said...

I appreciate how you are able to articulate the TPACK framework in narrative form...rather than simply answering the given questions.

I like your reference to Bloom's taxonomy (whether you meant to or not), "This will also allow students to create, which will demonstrate their learning more than anything else." Having student create is such an important element in classrooms. The paradigm has definitely shifted from "what can a teacher do" (as sage on the stage) to "what can the teacher get the students to do (or create)."

Keep up the great work.