Thursday, March 1, 2012

Group Leadership Project

Here is our video on using iPad apps in a 3rd grade classroom.  We used iMovie to create our final presentation and we uploaded it to YouTube so it would be easily accessible.  I think this process has taught me a lot about collaboration online and team work.  I think this has been my best online group project of my Masters program.  We worked really well together, each tackling our parts to put together this 10 minute video.  Danielle did a great job putting all of our pieces together, asking for our feedback, and editing the video for us.  I would love to do another video like this.  I have shared it with several colleges who have now asked if I can find them age appropriate apps for their grades and or subjects.  

1 comment:

Chuck Commeret said...

Overall, your video turned out great. It demonstrates excellent collaboration and teamwork.

The framework of the video as a school day was extremely creative. The bell was a nicely added touch. Additionally, I liked the use of video clips...they certainly brought the presentation to life...and proved that the iPad can really be implemented (not simply theoretical).

Focusing on 4 apps was an excellent idea. Often with PD the information is given in the fashion of, "a mile wide and an inch deep." Essentially, teachers are overloaded with information, with little detail on how to effectively implement the tools presented. Thank you for taking the time to explore a few apps really well. This approach provides a good framework for how an iPad could be used...and it serves as a springboard to see what other apps are out there!

It was great to hear everyone's voice in the presentation. Again, extremely well done. Is it okay for me to share it with students and colleagues?

Although your blog entry is positive and reflective, you needed to answer the 3 guiding questions found in the description of the final project.